CYTO Virtual Interactive 2021 Scientific Tutorial - Best Practices in Genomic Cytometry and Single Cell Multi-omics

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Genomic cytometry and the concurrent advancement in associated technologies is fundamentally reshaping our ability to push the dimensionality barrier to answer fundamental questions in biology that were previously impossible. This tutorial will look at the current state of cytometry, discuss how to build complex genomic cytometry pipelines and provide tips and hints on how to match equipment and approaches to the biological question with the view to producing robust, cost-effective data of the highest quality.



Rob Salomon
Operations and Technology Manager
ACRF Child Cancer Liquid Biopsy Program
Children's' Cancer Institute

Rob is a scientifically trained technologist, internationally recognized for his innovative approach to building large-scale multidisciplinary research programs based around technologically-advanced instrumentation and the broad incorporation of genomics, cytometry, and microfluidics to build high-sensitive multi-omic approaches. Originally trained as cytometrist, Rob now works at the edge of biology and engineering focusing on the application of novel technologies in liquid biopsy to answer clinically-relevant questions in childhood cancer. Having designed, built and run shared resource laboratories of national and international standing, Rob has supported hundreds of research groups and enabled robust data generation for thousands of biological questions.


David Gallego-Ortega, PhD
Centre for Single-Cell Technologies
University of Technology Sydney

David was awarded a PhD in biochemistry, molecular biology and biomedicine in July 2008 at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain. After a brief position at TCD Pharma, a biotechnology spin-off company, he moved to the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in 2009 to pursue postdoctoral studies on mammary gland development and breast cancer. David has held an Early Career Fellowship from the National Breast Cancer Foundation and a Career Development Fellowship from the Cancer Institute NSW.  

David is currently director of the Centre for Single-Cell Technologies at the University of Technology Sydney, and he holds the Elaine Henry Fellowship from the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Using a combination of invivo and tissue-engineered ex vivo models, his research group uses single-cell resolution approaches to study developmental mechanisms of the mammary gland and the progression to breast cancer. His research interests focus on the mechanisms of communication between different cellular compartments within the tissue ecosystem and, in particular, inflammatory pathways driven by myeloid cells during mammary morphogenesis and metastatic cancer dissemination.


Luciano Martellotto, PhD
Scientific Director
Single Cell Core Laboratory
Harvard Medical School

Luciano Martelotto, formerly head of the Single Cell Innovation Lab (SCIL) at the University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research (UMCCR), currently holds the full-time position of scientific director of the Single Cell Core Laboratory at Harvard Medical School, in the Department of Systems Biology. Dr. Martelotto has made seminal discoveries in the area of Cancer Biology and Genomics with a focus on single cell analysis of biological systems. As a Research fellow at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (USA) he co-authored more than 30 articles in 3 years, including first authorships in the top-tier journals Nature Medicine, Nature Genetics and Genome Biology. Dr. Martelotto has published more than 50 articles in diverse areas of science, including first authorships in top-tier journals like Nature Medicine (2011, 2017a, 2017b, FWCI), Nature Genetics (2014, FWCI), Genome Biology (2014a, 2015b, FWCI) and others. Martelotto holds patent inventorships in Europe and the US. Dr. Martelotto is currently a scientific advisor at OmniScope. From 2017 to 2020 he ran the new SCIL at the UMCCR where he established a functional a state-of-the-art Single Cell Laboratory that became the go-to lab to set out new and challenging projects both inter-state and internationally. This success led to his recruitment as Scientific Director of the Single Cell Core Laboratory at Harvard Medical School. Here, Luciano leads all the scientific aspects and collaborative efforts of the Single Cell Core Laboratory at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Martelotto and his team oversee the implementation and development new technologies in the field of single cell genomics and spatial transcriptomics and makes them available to the wider Harvard Community. Dr. Martelotto has a large scientific network and maintains strong collaborative ties with the Australian Scientific community.

CMLE Credit: 1.0


Scientific Tutorial
Recorded 06/07/2021
Recorded 06/07/2021
CMLE Evaluation Form
11 Questions
11 Questions CMLE Evaluation Form
Completion Credit
1.00 CMLE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CMLE credit  |  Certificate available